Coyote Blog: Dispatches from a Small Business
Warren Meyer posts about everything: economics, looney tunes, immigration, government, books, and his hometown Arizona. On one of my favorite posts of his "Viva immigration" he talks about how he's absolutely against the building of the wall. He says: "At the end of the day, the vast, vast majority of people crossing the border are looking for a job. That's it. They are not terrorists or foreign spies or criminals -- they are ordinary people looking for a job, often to support their family."
ImmigrationProf Blog: A member of the Law Professor Blogs Network
On this blog, editors: Kevin R. Johnson, Bill O. Hing, Raquel Aldana, Leticia Saucedo, Enid F. Trucios-Haynes, all law professors talk about issues like the eligibility for driver's licenses for immigrants, the proposed DNA collection of immigrant detainees, and a lot of other super interesting news that come up about immigration (a lot about judicial issues, but they are actually very easy to read!).

The Issue Blog: exploring the impact of immigration - fact and fiction
It was here where I found out the Bush administration is asking Congress $400 million more dollars to finish building the wall across the border.It also discusses the importance of immigration in the Presidential race. Overall, it has a lot of interesting facts and numbers.
Publius' Forum
A conservative view on immigration, with porst like: "Five Million Illegals Have Illegal Mortgages in U.S.A.!" and "Rising Unemployment and Illegal Immigration." It even talks about how Obama isn't American "enough" because he has a Kenyan father.

The Hedgehog Blog: Political and social observations from two aspiring hedgehogs who love the Isaiah Berlin essay
If you put a little liberal, a cup of Obama, a pinch of sarcams and a whole lot of wit, you get the Hedhegog Blog. On one post about illegal immigration he says: "I continue to be amazed at the yawning gap between what Americans really think about illegal immigration and what the extremes - both liberal and conservative-- seem to think."
Immigration Chronicles
Interesting posts like "Could economic crisis spur illegal immigration?," "Immigration issue expected to drive Latino vote," and "Democrats blamed for lack of immigration reform."

The Uncooperative Bloggers: Brian Bonner Stands For Truth, Justice and the American way!
Now El Presidente Bush wants to give Social Security benefits to illegal aliens? They already receive Welfare benefits, free education for their children, credit cards, home loans and now social security benefits?
We have got to keep hounding our elected cockroaches...
Nice, huh?
Think Sink: Thoughts go in, nothing comes out
Remember when I told you about this guy? The: "I don't want them clogging up our court system fighting for the right to become "legal" aliens," guy?
You can read this to get a taste of what the really extremist anti-illegal immigration people run in their blogs when they want to vent...
"Also, if you want me to take you seriously as a candidate for US citizenship, don't tell me I was once an immigrant. I was born here. I am not now, nor have I ever been, an immigrant. What morons".

Pro Inmigrant
"I Started this blog because the frustration, confrontation and division creating by xenophobics against minorities," he says. Info on social services, the Presindencial election and myths and lies about immigration.
Immigration'08 Blog
The blog of the immigration08 website. Basically a lot of posts about immigration policy, poll numbers and rising latino voter numbers. One of the latests posts is called "Memo to the Candidates: Immigration, Seriously?" to remind candidates to focus on immigration on the debates.
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