Welcome to American Border Patrol, from here you can volunteer to be a cyber-guard!
A vast number of web cams lined across the border, scan movement along the border (it could be a dog or a Mexican-- we need you to tell the difference!).
If you spot a pesky alien, you can let the border patrol know With just the push of a button. You'll be responsible for a successful bust!
And the best of all, you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. You can eat, listen to music, knit, pet your kitten (even watch TV if you're a skillful multitasker!): all while being a responsible American citizen.
Join now, serve your country while you can, and do it proudly.
PS: No money is offered, but you'll gain the pride of serving your country.
Wow,I love the twist you have done with this post. The advertisement style fits the information perfectly. It is obsurd how much time ordinary Americans spend out of their own lives, away from their jobs and families, just to try and "protect" the United States from illegal aliens. It is absolutely rediculous sometimes.
Thats kind of harsh..I guess their definition of a "good American citizen" is someone who keeps new races from coming in (in this case the Mexicans).This is the kind of attitude that creates so much discrimination against outsiders.
Thanks Gigi! I thought the style would emphasize the ridiculousness of it...
d.r. I agree the whole "alien" thing is pretty harsh... I think it sounds very demeaning, even though it might be technically correct...
This style helps drive the point home because, like you said it seems very marketable and it is very easy to see how some "patriots" may see this effort to better ones life as a horrible crime...
I love this blog, it is very creative. Also, there are more important things the citizens of our world should be worried about, and I agree with u all that the whole alien thing is a little harsh.
The thing that astounds me is how people volunteer their time to do it with no pay or incentive besides their own desire to keep other people out. I can't imagine feeling so much animosity towards a certain group of people.
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